La LEFFE Birra Rossa è una birra premium di alta qualità con un contenuto alcolico del 6% e una bottiglia da 75 cl. Goditi il suo gusto unico e intenso arricchito dalle migliori materie prime e dalla tradizione belga. Confezione da 6 bottiglie, ideale per condividere momenti speciali con amici e familiari.
Our rice and pasta packaging is designed to ensure optimal freshness, protection, and longevity for your dry food products. Made from high-quality, food-grade materials, our packaging solutions provide excellent barrier protection against moisture and external contaminants, keeping rice and pasta fresh and safe for extended periods. Available in various styles, including resealable bags, stand-up pouches, and customizable printed options, our packaging offers both functionality and a visually appealing presentation. We also offer eco-friendly material choices, allowing your brand to meet sustainability goals while delivering premium packaging for dry foods.
Quineron, also known as Quinoa or Peruvian rice, is the so -called Pseudosbogs, i.e. a plant that produces starchy seeds, but is not actually. It comes from South America where she has been valued for its nutritional value for centuries. It is called the "saint of the Inca." It also contains saponins, thanks to which it can show antiallergic, anti -inflammatory, anti -fungal antiviral and immunostimulatory effects. The grain has antioxidant properties due to its extremely large amount of flavonoids. Kimos does not contain gluten and is easily digestible. Red rice has a more expressive taste and aroma than a white quea. It has a slightly crunchy shell and fits well with salads. It can be subjected to which it will give her nutty flavor and use in desserts. 6.1g - 9%Including saturated fatty acids 0.7g - 3%carbohydrates 57 - 22%including sugars 0g - 0%protein 14g - 28%salt 0.01g & lt; 1%*RWS - reference food value & nbsp; < Strong> Application </strong> Queen beans before cooking should
"Flower named after the sun
The sunflower is native to North Central America. The sunflower blooms from July to October. On sunny days the flower head turns with the sun.
Nutrients in Sunflower Seeds
The sunflower seed is the fruit of a sunflower. They are edible when removed from the shell. Sunflower seeds contain mainly vitamins B and E, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and the powerful antioxidant selenium.
Consumption of sunflower seeds
Eat these healthy seeds out of hand or mix them with other seeds and kernels into a superfood mix, which you in the yogurt or sprinkle on your salad."
100% gefriergetrocknete Brombeeren.
Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
Für 100 g gefriergetrocknete Brombeeren werden bis zu 900 g frische Beeren benötigt.
Dentro del universo de los equipos portátiles, hemos
preparado una oferta amplia que puede incluir compresor,
eliminando así la necesidad de recibir aire comprimido de la
red de la instalación en cuestión. Las principales razones para elegir este equipo residen en su movilidad, y la consecuente economía de tiempo, así como en su facilidad de operación.
Tipo de modelo:CSV MV 12B
Presión Enjuague:12 BAR
Teniente/Min Caudal:30
Temperatura Agua:MÁX. 60º
Motor Trifásico:2 HP
Operadores Simultáneos:1
La note beurre, essentielle dans le domaine des produits céréaliers, présente de multiples profils. Du beurre frais au beurre cuisiné en passant par le beurre noisette sans oublier le beurre crémeux, ces différents profils apporteront gourmandise et savoir-faire pour transformer vos recettes en expériences gustatives uniques.
La nostra SYP riso torta macchina (macchina da forno, pasticceria macchina) è stata progettata in modo tale che esso può produrre Popping Chip / Cracker / torta con venature naturali del grano spuntino / 100%.
Attualmente dispositivi meccanici sono stati fatti, ma non è in grado di gestire l'elevata pressione continuamente e produce prodotti non uniformi. Le sue parti come catene e motori sono usurati facilmente e provoca guasti frequenti.
La nostra macchina torta di riso 'SYP' corretto questi difetti ed utilizza l'idraulica per la produzione di prodotti omogenei e significativamente aumentato la sua durata nel tempo.
Inoltre, la varietà di stampi sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e forme per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti.
Le piccole macchine possono essere prodotte per i negozi locali e e macchine più grandi possono essere prodotti anche per le fabbriche.
Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattarci !!
El proyector LED para la superficies comerciales, tiendas y supermercados serie PRF, ha sido diseñado para obtener un rendimiento térmico superior, las dimensiones del PCB le confiere la mejor uniformidad y bajo deslumbramiento, con un gran margen operativo entre temperatura ambiente y de unión del chip (Tj), todo ello con una protección IP 66.
La implementación de la tecnología SMD LED de 130lm/W mediante el uso de lentes especializadas en este proyector LED, proporciona una eficiencia lumínica superior.
Eficiencia LED:160lm/W - 5000K ±5%
Eficiencia Sistema Luminoso:Mayor del 80%
Alimentación:100-277VAC 50-60Hz
Grado De Protección:IP66
Vida Útil:Más De 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C)
Ópticas Disponibles:65x120º / 30x60º / 30º / 15º
Caractéristique :
Grâce à sa formule naturelle, Ortho Digest Forte est parfaitement adapté pour aider à retrouver un équilibre digestif optimal dans les circonstances suivantes:
en cas d’excès alimentaires
en cas de régime alimentaire inhabituel (en vacances par exemple)
en cas de grossesse
lors de déplacements (en mer, par avion ou en voiture par exemple)
en cas de troubles digestifs
en cas de mauvaises habitudes alimentaires (plats préparés ou fast food)
Ortho Digest Forte contient du gingembre et contribue ainsi à préserver le bien-être digestif.
Ortho digest Forte contient également une multitude d’enzymes digestives.
Synthétisées par le système digestif, les enzymes digestives permettent le fractionnement des molécules complexes en molécules simples, assimilables par l’organisme. Elles sont produites dans la salive, l’estomac et le pancréas.
Chaque enzyme agit au niveau d’un substrat spécifique, ainsi on en a identifié trois types :
Les enzymes protéolytiques qui opèrent...
Der kompakte Pharma Dispenser 3VPHD8 ermöglicht eine präzise und zuverlässige Dosierung unterschiedlichster Medien. Dank der besonderen Rotor-Stator-Geometrie ist kein Ventil nötig, um ein selbstständiges Ausfließen des Mediums zu verhindern. Alternierend öffnende Kammern sorgen für einen produktschonenden Weitertransport und eine pulsationsfreie Ausbringung. Die VPHD Baureihe wurde speziell für Anwendungen in den Bereichen Pharmazie, Biotechnologie, Medizin und der Lebensmittelindustrie entwickelt.
Ihre Vorteile:
- Innenraum totraumoptimiert
- nach EHEDG-Richtlinien ausgeführtes Design
- FDA-konforme Konstruktion/Entwicklung
- hygienische und pharmagerechte Konstruktion
- Werkszeugnis 3.1 (DIN EN 10204)
- alle Oberflächen für pharmazeutische Anwendungen Ra ≤ 0,8 μm
- Rückzugsoption (kein Nachtropfen oder Fadenziehen)
- absolut linearer Zusammenhang zwischen Rotordrehzahl und ausgebrachter Menge
- hohe Standzeiten durch medienspezifische Komponentenauswahl
Dosiergenauigkeit:+/- 1 %
Dosiervolumen:0,35 ml / Umdrehung
min. Dosiermenge:0,35 ml (abhäng vom Dosiermedium)
MoriVeda® Moringa Detox Tabletten 900 mg
Detox-Kur auf natürlicher Basis
Moringa Detox Tabletten bieten eine dauerhafte und leicht durchzuführende Alternative zu den herkömmlichen Detox-Kuren. Die Superfood-Tabletten aus Moringa-, Spirulina-, Leinsamen- und Gerstengraspulver können dabei helfen einen harmonischen Säure-Basen-Haushalt zu erhalten, sowie eine optimale Darmfunktion zu unterstützen.
Reich an Antioxidantien, Vitaminen, Mineralien und anderen Nährstoffen sind die Moringa Detox Tabletten die optimale Unterstützung für eine Detox-Kur.
Reich an Ballaststoffen, Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und Mineralien
Nährstoffreiche Zutaten können die Verdauung fördern
Auf Basis der ayurvedischen Naturlehre
Ohne chemische Zusatzstoffe, glutenfrei, vegan
With this handy tool from Pet Treatment you can easily wash your dog. This handy tool from Pet Treatment makes it easy to wash your dog. You connect the coupling piece (1/2") to your garden hose. The water then runs through the soap dispenser to the ring. Your pet stands in the ring, which through many small holes spreads the water around like a shower.
Handy shampoo container
An easy way to wash your furry friend!
A handy and easy way to wash your dog!
Connect the wash ring to the garden hose,
Water and shampoo are mixed automatically by the practical shampoo container.
The 360 ° ring ensures that the dog is washed in several places at the same time.
Connect the connector (1/2 ") to your garden hose.
Spreads the water through many small holes like a kind of shower
Animal friendly
Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 6.5 cm
Material: Plastic
(L x l x H):61.50 cm x 40.00 cm x 6.40 cm
Box Dimensions:43.5cm x 43cm x 38cm
Cortec EcoLine® Bio-based Food Machinery Grease.
Safeguard your food processing equipment with EcoLine®, the bio-based grease that delivers superior performance and environmental responsibility.
Made from renewable plant oils, it provides exceptional lubrication, corrosion protection, and washout resistance.
Meets stringent FDA and NSF standards for food contact.Ideal for conveyors, mixers, packaging, pumps, and more.Reduce your environmental footprint while ensuring food safety and equipment longevity.
This fully automatic sleeve labeling machine is suitable for various kinds of bottles,like round bottles, square bottles,oval bottles,etc.This machine can automatically feed and cut film,and it can sleeve labels precisely,greatly saving labor and improving work efficiency.The machine can be widely used for beverage bottles,cosmetic bottles,shampoo bottles,etc.
The touch screen control panel makes the working parameter is visual,the precise adjustment can be easily achieved according to operation
Equipped with high quality electric eye,It can pull film automatically,it is more convenient and easier to operate the machine.
The bottle separating component can help to separate bottle and adjust bottles distance,ensure the bottle can be labeled in order,improve the labeling effect.
Rotary knobs are designed for adjusting the position of different mechanisms, make sure the machine can sleeve label precisely.
Input Power:2.5KW
Input voltage:∮3,380/220VAC
Production Efficiengcy:Max150(Bottle/min) according to bottle and label size
Size of Host Machine:L2100mm x W850mm x H2000mm
Applicable Diameter of Bottle Body:Φ28mm-Φ125mm
Applicable Length of Lable:30mm-250mm
Applicable Thickness of Label:0.03mm-0.13mm
Applicable Internal Diameter of Paper Tube:(Free Adjustment)
За опаковане на готови продукти за бързо хранене или хранителни и сладкарски про - Приложимост: използва се главно в ресторанти за бързо хранене и магазини за хранителни стоки или в сладкарници и магазини за захарни изделия.
Производство: произвеждат се 100% автоматизирано при строги условия за безопасност на храните.
Персонализация: могат да бъдат отпечатани с най-високо ниво на качество в до 10 линейни цвята и/или полихроми, включително специалните: злато, сребро металик с екологично мастило на водна основа за контакт с храни. Разделителната способност на печата може лесно да достигне 300 dpi.
Материал: бяла необработена хартия или естествен крафт, или с определен процент рециклирани влакна, различни дебелини (25-100 GSM), сертифицирана по FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001. Също така хартията може да бъде устойчива на мазнини, водоустойчива с парафин или с полиетиленов слой.
Размери: Произвеждаме размера, които са "най-продаваните" на пазарите в ЕС и САЩ, но те могат да бъдат нарязани до всеки размер, от който се нуждаете.
Behind delicious potatoes there is a high quality cultivation process.
At PACS we specialise in the international distribution of frozen products for the food sector, specifically potatoes.
Quality Standards: A and AA
Origin: Europe
Our portfolio includes :
• Standard French Fries Golden and Crispy
• Wavy cut potatoes
• Potato wedges with or without skin.
• Sweet potato sticks.
For more information about our products or distribution, please contact our sales team. We will be pleased to serve you and present you with options adapted to your requirements.
DANALAC Plain cereal has all nutrients & vitamins required for growing babies - DANALAC, Dana Dairy’s mark of pride in excellence and quality, carries the ingredients, nutrients, and vitamins that are required for growing babies and children.
DANALAC Baby Cereal recipes are designed to strengthen babies during the most important phase of their growth. This all means an excellent and top quality product for your market and customer base in the infant food sector.
Our non-milk baby cereal cereals also come in 5 different and wonderful recipes. We make our infant cereals with all-natural ingredients combined without adding any type of milk. The cereals can be mixed with hot water or milk before serving. We mix in many needed minerals and vitamins needed for the baby’s growth. Recipes include:
Cereals and Banana
Five Cereals and Five Fruits
Five Cereals
Packing:Bag in Box (250g)
Boxes per Carton::6 Pieces
Cartons Per Pallet::144 cartons
Pallets per 40ft container: :25 pallets (800x1200mm)
Cartons per 40ft container: :3600 cartons
Boxes per 40ft container: :21600 boxes
Shelf life::24 months
Nous produisons des miels biologiques depuis 2000 que nous et nos enfants pouvons consommer.
Énergie (kJ et kcal):1272 kilojoules
Calorie:304 Kcal
Graisse (g):0
Glucides (g):82,3g
Protéine (g):0,3g
Find all our fruit and vegetable decorations via the following link:
Our decorations are made from very high-quality resin and are weather-resistant. If your decorations are intended for permanent outdoor use, we recommend applying an additional varnish.
Reference: FFH130052
Dimensions: 88 x 88 x 93 cm
Food Grade Hydraulic Fluids are lubricants designed for use in hydraulic systems within food processing facilities, where there may be occasional contact with food. They are also suitable for application in the maintenance of bearings, chains, and valves in canning and bottling equipment.
These specialized fluids are formulated using synthetic hydrocarbons known as Poly Alpha Olefins, combined with carefully crafted additive blends. This unique composition ensures exceptional wear resistance, temperature stability, and safeguards against the accumulation of varnish and deposits.
Available in:200 Litres and 20 Litres
Item Code:VI5-2895 (32), VI5-2900 (46), VI5-2905 (68)
- Capacity to squeeze 38 oranges per minute
- Possibility of squeezing recommended fruits with a diameter between 65 mm and 80 mm.
- Possibility to store 15 kg of oranges in the fruit chamber
- 15 kg fruit peel collecting bucket
- Safety switches that stop squeezing when the lid is opened
- Easily removable and dishwasher-safe apparatus (except the lid).
- Strainer and strainer tray that filters fruit pulp and complies with food standards
- Stainless steel dropper
- Protective silicone that protects the on/off button from liquid contact
Filling Volume: 600 ml
Volume Brimful: 650 ml
Container Weight: 22,50 gr
Lid Weight: 7,20 gr
Tamper Evidence: Yes
Body External Length Top : 137,40 mm
Product code:DPC500
Excellent pour cuisiner tout type de saucisses.
Capacité d'huile : 4 litres
Contrôle thermostatique
Régulation de la température jusqu'à 285 ºC
Thermostat de sécurité
Surface de cuisson entièrement soudée
Chromage dur de 50 microns
Corps en acier inoxydable AISI 304
Tiroir à graisse amovible
Pieds réglables
Dimension en MM (LxPxH):355x605x350mm
Puissance (kW):4
Alimentation (Volts):400/1/50
Capacité:4,1 litres